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Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kentucky tumbleweed

For a few minutes yesterday I sat on the porch resting and watching the Kentucky tumbleweed blowing around.  You do know what Kentucky tumbleweed is right?  No?  Well here is a picture of one that was originally in my yard but the wind blew it toward the empty house next door.

I enjoyed the free time resting and thinking.  The weather wasn't too hot at that time of morning.  There were no deadlines to meet.  There was no stress over a quilting schedule.  My mother can't get past the answering machine to bother me.  My brother wasn't knocking on the door with a PTSD panic attack.  My daughter was at work and Ladybug was with not the mommie.

The resting time lasted for nearly half an hour.  For me, this was a very long time.  I'm the type person that must keep busy all the time.  It's hard for me to sit still.  What I was doing was trying to remember some of the things I did to save money..... about 30 or 40 years ago. 

That was in the days before earning a living with machine quilting.  That was a time when I counted and rolled pennies to buy groceries or bartered to get work done on my car.  Now that I have a financial goal, I want to do the things I did back then.  This time....  bartering or rolling pennies will be by choice not a requirement to survive.  My goal is to get repairs done to my house without taking out a loan. 

Can I do it?  I won't know unless I try. 

(You can follow along with my progress toward the goal by reading my hints blog.)

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