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Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Handyman books found

I happened to be looking for a recipe book today and came across my handyman books.  Both are a little outdated but still very useful for understanding how to make repairs.  This one is the best because it has far more projects in it, including small appliance repairs and furniture repairs.  It has tons of pictures and diagrams in it.  Even if you don't want to do the repairs yourself, it's a great reference book to understand what's involved if you hire someone to do it for you.

This one is newer and doesn't go into as much detail or have as many projects as the first one.

I believe I have another handyman book someplace.  A much older book. 
I think a good handyman's book around the house should be a part of any emergency preparedness plans.  What if the heat goes out in the middle of the night, on the coldest night of winter.  In my opinion, I would look rather silly calling a repairman and paying very high rates only to find out the batteries needed changing in my thermostat.  That's what happened a couple of years ago.  I'm so glad I looked in my handyman's book before calling for a heating repairman.  That night the money I saved more than paid for the price of the books.

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