Welcome to my blog

Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Had a ME day

Yesterday I went to see the eye doctor again. He checked my glasses against the prescription he gave me. It seems the people who grind the glass made a math error. Instead of a positive they ground the glass to a negative. In other words what was supposed to be moved toward my eyes is actually moved away when looking through the lens. So now the correction is being made and I should have them by early next week.

When I got home I didn't want to work on the quilting machine so I did some ME projects. I updated my quilt project log book. I took out some of the columns and streamlined it a bit. Yes, I know I could put all this on the computer. I don't trust my computer. I trust paper. Besides, my computer is in another room. It only gets turned on early in the morning so I'm not tempted to be looking at eye candy quilts instead of working. This paper log stays in the quilting studio.

Then I added the quilts that are still in the works and I added in a couple that I want to make for my grandkids. I will start making the kits up as soon as the Christmas rush is over.

Then I worked on these a while.

Worked on these a bit too. I have the blocks almost all made. I should be able to get the top finished on the next ME day.

Then I worked on these. Finished putting the blocks together and started on the sashing.

Today I'm back on the quilting machine and dreaming while I work. Dreaming of even more quilts I'd like to make....after the rush.

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