My friends Marilyn and Joan were there. I hadn't seen Joan for quite awhile. I almost didn't recognize her. I got to see Marilyn's heart art up close. It's still my favorite piece of the whole auction. It appeals to my sense of humor about life. Doesn't she look like someone with a humorous attitude and old age spread? Kind of like the way I am these days. Definitely the old age spread part and I try to keep a sense of humor. She looks like a Maxine character.
I looked through a book laying on the entrance table. I found mine. When I took a photo of it the person at the table told me everything was on the website. Well, yes, I know that but it's not the same as seeing it in an art gallery book.
The man who gives me great pieces of cardboard was there. His wife is a friend too. She was ill and didn't attend. I confessed to him I had gotten rid of lots of the cardboard he gave me because I don't have anyplace to store it. I thought he might be upset but he wasn't. He just told me to let him know when I need more.
I wandered around through the gallery looking at all the work on display. I could imagine some of my cardboard furniture or art quilts on display. Oh heavens, will the end of the commitments ever come? It's very hard to think about finishing up quilts when so many ideas are bouncing around in my head. Hmm... how to describe how I feel. You know how it feels when a special holiday or an especially nice vacation trip is coming up and the days seem to just drag by? As each day goes by you get more and more anxious for the day to arrive? Sort of like a child waiting on Christmas day. Well, that's the way I feel. Like the day is never going to arrive even though I know it will.
Right before I left there was a man who introduced himself and hugged me. I felt like I really wanted to talk with him for awhile but I was already starting to panic and planning my exit. He told me his name but it kind of slipped out of my mind. I know I should remember who he is but I can't. It's gonna bug me until I figure it out. I'll have to ask Marilyn if she knows who he is.
There will be another charity auction if February. I've got some ideas for a couple of pieces I'd like to donate if I can get them completed in time. I'll find out what the date is for it and make my plans around that. One is a cardboard furniture piece and one is a wall hanging quilt.
Note: to those asking if I will give classes on making cardboard furniture. I'm planning to put some pieces together and take lots of pictures for my blog. (maybe another blog) I hope to make it step by step directions that anyone can follow. When you understand the basic construction techniques then any piece can be made. Sort of like learning to piece a quilt. When you know the basics of construction the design ideas are endless. I would also like to write a book with patterns of cardboard furniture. Sort of like a book with quilt patterns. I really, really have to find the time for all these plans..... and space for storing the supplies. Time and space will be the major obstacles. I'll have to deal with them as I get to them. (I have faith.)
I've got to get off the computer now and get to the quilting machine.
Along the lines of "teaching", have you given any more thought as to teaching or renting time on your long arm quilting machine???? MJ
Great photo! The work looks amazing in a gallery, and I like that you are in the photo. I also like the chicken, it goes with my French-Canadian background-- our kitchens usually have a ceramic chicken or some kind of chicken decor.
I can't see me renting time on my machine. There would be too many possibilities of injury to the person or the machine. My insurance costs would go through the roof. Teaching is a possibility if it were at a fabric store. Same reason. Insurance costs. I will do my best to include more instructions on the blog.
Thanks Theresa, I looked at my kitchen yesterday and realized I don't have ANY decor in mine. It's still packed in a box from way, way back when I painted the kitchen but never got around to putting things back up. Another project put on my TO DO list.
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