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Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The wife's ten commandments


These are the new commandments ten;
which wives now create for married men

1.  Remember that I am thy wife; whom thou must cherish all thy life.
2.  Thou shalt not stay out late at night; when lodges, friends, or clubs invite.
3.  Thou shalt not smoke indoor our out; or chew tobacco round about.
4.  Thou shalt with prise receive my pies; nor pastry made by me dispise.
5.  My mother thou shalt strive to please; and let her live with us in ease.
6.  Remember 'tis thy duty clear; to dress me well throughout the year.
7.  Thou shalt not be a drinking man; but live on the prohibition plan.
8.  Thou shalt in manner mild and meek; give me thy wages every week.
9.  Thou shalt not flirt, but must allow; thy wife such freedom anyhow
10.  Thou shalt get up when the baby cries; and try the child to tranquilize.

These my commands from day to day; implicitly thou shalt obey! 

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