Welcome to my blog

Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm so proud!!

Why am I so proud? Because people are actually reading my blog and following my organizing progress. I don't claim to be the guru of organizing but I do love putting things into some type of order. Maybe that's one of my problems.... I love organizing so much that I'm constantly sabotaging my own efforts to give myself an excuse to organize again.

I'm totally against throwing away good fabric because someone tells me to get rid of as much as I can then organize what's left. It's like throwing money into a trash can. I do; however, tell myself 'no buying anything else' until I've gotten what I have under control. I don't always follow this rule. But at least I try to follow it.

Before I go further.... let me explain I have thrown good fabrics away. Not something I have bought though. I often get truck loads of donated fabrics. Sometimes four or five truck loads at a time. Imagine this.... four or five people have decided to quit sewing.... they want to give everything from their over stuffed sewing rooms to you.... what do you do with it? Could you fit all the stuff from their sewing rooms into your already over filled sewing room? Neither can I. I pass along as much of it as I can to charity groups or the thrift stores. When I absolutely can't find a new home for it... the trash is where it must go.

So on with my organizing thoughts.... The idea behind my no buy rule is this.... absolutely everything I bring into this house requires something from me. I must feed it, dust it, store it, oil it, wash it, organize it, cook it, sew it, or something. Before I buy anything else I'm asking myself if I'm ready to make a commitment to care for what I buy.

Yes, yes, of course I can buy organizing bins, boxes, sorters, drawers, cabinets and so forth.... but do I really need to buy more? Before I buy any type of organizer items I want to be sure I need it. Almost all organizing professionals.... even Mission Organization professionals.... say get rid of as much as you can.... then buy items to organize what's left.

I think just the opposite. First I see what I have; then find something to keep it in order. I may have piles and piles of stuff.... but I can keep the piles organized... right?

Here is an example of how far back some of my stash goes....

I probably have some older than that but not dated. And here is how my fabrics tend to accumulate....

So why do things get out of order.... other than sabotaging my own effort? I get busy! Too busy to put things away. Let's face it.... creating is much more fun than cleaning anytime. The same way cooking is much more fun than washing dishes. Or grocery shopping is much more fun that putting the groceries away.

Back when I worked in an office the last half hour of everyday was strictly for cleaning off my desk. I filed things or stacked things. I thought of it as setting myself up for the next day's work. So this year I've made myself a new commitment along the same idea... I'm spending the last half hour of my work day to set up for the next day. I will spend 30 minutes cleaning and putting items away ready to start a new project. Heck, if I can follow Judy's idea of an hour a day for sewing a quilt top.... why not a half hour a day for setting things up for a new day of quilting?

It's the same idea behind cleaning off the cutting table before starting to cut fabrics for a new quilt top. My cutting table is my current desk. If I don't clean anything else, the cutting table will be cleaned and ready for a new day.

I was too sick over the holiday break to actually sort and organize everything.... so it will be done a little at a time through this year. (smile) It will give me something to post every few days.


momma-donna said...

Hi Anita!

I 'found' your blog with Karen's help when she mentioned you in her blog, Seams to an End. When it comes to organizing ANYTHING, my ears perk up! I enjoy looking at other people's sewing rooms and how they organize their fabrics and scraps. A cluttered, disorganized sewing room isn't conducive to creativity. My sewing space has become a catch-all room for all sorts of leftovers... wrapping paper, Christmas decorations, birthday cards, clothing that needs mending, etc.

I've recruited my husband to help me with de-cluttering my sewing room and get it into a functional space again.

I look forward to visiting your blog often. Many blessings to you and your family in 2008.

Donna in Oklahoma

jhwolf said...

I've not gotten to the organizing of my sewing room yet. I have a few things to complete for grandkids and a nephew to complete their Christmas presents. Then I just got a quilt order. But, I can start my cleaning while doing the embroidery on the ordered quilt. I hope to get all Christmas finished up this week along with the ordered quilt and then look out.....there is going to be a whirlwind at Wishbone Lane!!

You are such an inspiration to me and I have to get my room back to working order. Then....I can spend the rest of the year messing it up, I mean keeping it clean.

I'm glad your jaw is finally going down and you are without the correct tooth.

Judy in MO

MommaD said...

How are you, Anita? It's been so long since you've posted to your blog. I hope you're alright.

I keep checking, looking for another post to your blog.