Welcome to my blog

Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Recycle? or re purpose and up cycle? Just words.


It's hard to be creative when new floors are going in and nothing is where it's supposed to be.

While at the same time there is equipment like this in my creative space.

I am always thinking thrifty even in the kaos. I've told you how I sometimes save money in micro amounts? Well here is one example. I bought two new pillows on my last shopping trip. How is that thrifty? It's not the purchase of the pillows.... it's what I do with the plastic bags. It's going into a landfill anyway so why not save myself a few pennies.....

by using it as a garbage bag?

I calculated that garbage bags in my favorite brand cost about .04 cents each. So from two pillows I saved a whopping .08 cents. But these are only two bags I will use for trash. Sometimes I get large plastic shopping bags which are the right size. I usually ask the clerk to double bag for me. That's another .08 cents. Multiply this by 25+ times a year and I get enough in savings to buy a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread..... or better still.... a fat quarter of fabric on sale.

I have other thrifty things planned for this blog as soon as the construction dust settles. I've managed to quilt some plain fabric for window quilts. Nothing fancy - just quilted. I'm going to do a tutorial on how to attach the quilts to the window so they go up and down like a shade.

I hope to do a video tutorial of how I practice drawing a design so I can stitch it freehand with the machine. I first have to remember the steps for getting a video into a blog. I've forgotten. I also plan to show how I take an old sweater and create gloves, a hat, and a vest from it. No knitting required. Just sewing. There are several other things too.

I've always used the word "recycling" but recently realized I should be saying "re purposing" or "up cycling" when talking about making something out of an otherwise thrown away object. Geeze, it's hard for an old person to keep up with the new trendy words. At any rate, I hope I don't loose any of my blog readers before I get back to posting regularly.

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