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Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Another quilt started

I have the next quilt on the machine and it's stabilized.  I have my wax paper and markers ready to test some designs before I start quilting it.

This young lady is learning to make paperclip rugs.  She's very interested in doing crafts.  She comes over after school to wait for her father to pick her up after work.  I've been teaching her a few crafty things that can be done without money.  Paperclip rugs made from grocery bags cost nothing.  Today I'm going to cut her some t-shirt fabric strips to make a rug or two over the summer.  She's also making plans to visit a couple of times a month this summer so I can teach her to piece quilts.  Her parents are ok with this as long as she keeps up her music practice.  She plays.... I think.... three instruments.

Just a few more days and my schedule will change again.  I'll be able to work without disturbing anyone.  I only have 4 customers now.  You'd think my schedule would be very light.  Guess what?  They all decided to bring multiple quilts at the same time and asking that they be done by nearly the same date.  Giggle.  And I thought I had been so clever.  No, I'm not complaining, just fascinated and amused that no matter how careful I am, I still get a very full schedule.  The customers are all very kind and tell me to just do them when I can..... but please try to have them done by such and such date.  If I can't, it's ok too.  There seems to be a lot of weddings coming up in June.  Duh, June is a big wedding month. 

My mother is back in the hospital.  Her boyfriend passed away and she started acting up.  She's like a child throwing a tantrum and anyone in her way gets the anger.  For the protection of the other patients she must go to the hospital to get her meds worked out and the anger under control.

It's time for me to start my day.

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