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Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Troubled sleep

The clothing I bought at the thrift store came out of the wash fine. I folded and put them away until I get a chance to cut them apart.

It was a restless night for me. While at the art gallery one of the nice ladies had picked up an entry form for an art contest called “Form Not Function” and gave it to me. This contest has an entry deadline of October 20th. It is a world wide competition. If anyone wants to learn more about it this is the web address. I’m not sure how to put it in as a clickable link. That’s something I will have to learn later. http://www.carnegiecenter.org Find the Form Not Function button at the top to click for more information.

In my sleep, I kept asking what “Form not function” means. Yes, I know its textile art. But what type of art? Does it mean the type of art that is barely recognizable as a quilt or could it be a more traditional item. Would a more traditional quilt qualify as an entry? I kept thinking how the textile artists have gained recognition in the major quilt contests over the last few years. Almost all of them now have a wall art category but do any of the “art” contests have categories for traditional quilts with really good design?

I don’t think I’m explaining this very well. Hmmm…If anyone remembers the AQS Paducah show had wall quilts that were actually painted pictures of geese in water that were quilted and entered. Those would be what I call form not function quilts.

But….would a contest like this one at the Carnege allow a wall size nine patch or t-shirt quilt with really nice machine quilting qualify as an entry? Would any of the art quilt contests allow a traditional entry? Can I go to my stash of traditional tops waiting for their time on my machine and find a contest entry among them?
What I have written may sound like I’m being critical of the art contests. Not at all!! I’m merely wondering whether I have something already pieced together I can use as an entry because of the short deadline. I do have a couple of what I call art quilts that might qualify. They are already quilted.

I have this quilt….

And this quilt….

But I’m wondering about some of my other quilts. The reason I am wondering is because it’s a juried show. There is no limit to the number of pieces you can try entering. The more entries I send in, the better my chances of being juried into the show with one of them.

Ok, enough internet time, I have customer quilt tops waiting. Vacation is over.

1 comment:

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