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Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Interesting frugal idea

A man staggers into his home panting, sweating, and exhausted. His wife looks at him with concern and asks.... what's wrong honey? The man smiles and says.... I just ran all the way home from work behind a bus. I saved us $1.50.

The wife replies.... Well honey, why didn't you run behind a taxi and save us $30?

Have you cut every expense you can think of only to find rising costs are moving faster than you can keep up? You're throwing every frugal hint and tip you can find at your problems.... but you just can't seem to get ahead of it because costs are rising faster than you can do an internet search?

Trust me.... you are not alone! Thousands of people are now feeling the same way. Everyone who has lost their job and everyone who believes they may loose their job is searching for answers.

Let me say that I'm no financial expert. If I were; then I would not be writing this blog, I would be living a life of luxury some place. In this blog I show you things I do in actual life. My frugal living blog may contain some ridiculous ideas for saving money. For example the reusing of furnace filters or going back to using hankies. You may laugh and say.... I could never do that because tissues are cheap or furnace filters are cheap.

Then again; what if you lost your job and had no money at all coming in? Would these ideas seem so ridiculous? Only a couple of years ago tissues were on sale two for a dollar and furnace filters went on sale four for a dollar in the fall. Now days both are over a dollar each and probably will go even higher in the next couple of years. Even frugal living experts are feeling a financial pinch these days.

So I say to you; when cheap becomes too expensive.... then the ridiculous becomes serious. I hope to include more alternatives in the weeks or months ahead. Ridiculous or not.

I think I will go work on a quilt now.... instead of buying myself a luxury mansion on a tropical island.... I can save myself a few million.

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