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Please don't remind me that I'm poor; I'm having too much fun pretending I'm simply "living green" like everyone else these days.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I continued working on the quilt with issues. I thought I would show how I deal with those areas where it has friendly seams. (wave a lot) See the green square with the extra full seam? I tuck it under itself and hold it down by hand....

Then sew a part of the design over the seam to hold it down....

Then stitch the next part of the design.... this is a flower petal design.

I then finish the rest of the design as usual.

I had another quilt that needed to be finished so I took that one off the machine and put this one on to finish. This is just the background of a wall quilt. More will be added later. I hope the owner likes the stitching design I chose.

I did windy meander in the sky fabric.

A swag and rope design on the border.

It's been a very long time since I had to work around the schedule of a little one in the house. It seems to be harder than I remember it.... or maybe it's just that I'm older..... and a busier quilter than I used to be.

One thing is for sure.... I've got to be super organized in order to work during her brief nap times. I'm behind schedule getting ready for her to be here everyday. Being off my feet for three weeks in February threw everything off schedule. Hopefully this weekend I can get her baby things organized and in place.... oops... not this weekend.... I have plans for both Saturday and Sunday.... guess it will have to wait until the following weekend.

Trying to squeeze more STUFF into a small house is going to be tough. Now.... more than ever before... I wish I had a garage or a basement to store things. Oh well... wishing doesn't make it happen. Time for me to get to work, I can get a little done before she arrives.

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